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Disease Diagnosis

Our regular maintenance programme takes preventive measures to ensure your lawn is best prepared to deal with any diseases

Example of red thread lawn disease

Red Thread

Example of fusarium patch lawn disease


example of fairy rings lawn disease

Fairy Rings Type 1

example of fairy rings lawn disease

Fairy Rings Type 2

example of fairy rings lawn disease

Fairy Rings Type 3

Most lawns will suffer from disease at some point throughout the year with certain characteristics like discolouration, brown dry patches or signs of fungi; the most common ones found in the UK are red thread, fusarium patch and fairy rings.



Red Thread


Thriving off mild and damp conditions, Red Thread is probably the most common fungal disease found in the UK. It can occur on lawns with poor light or soil and after heavy periods of rain during which nitrogen – an essential ingredient for grass growth and colour – is washed out from the soil. From a distance the symptoms can appear as sporadic red or brown patches but upon closer inspection red needle type threads can be found growing on the grass plant leaves.





Fusarium is a turf disease that most commonly occurs on fine surfaces like golf greens but can also appear on lawns after high levels of humidity, surface wetness during cooler temperatures or following a blanket of snow. Disease symptoms can appear as small circular patches and causes the grass plant to literally go mouldy, changing the appearance from green to orange brown, followed by a straw colour.



Fairy Rings


Fairy Rings disease appears in ring-like circles. There are 3 types:


  1. ​​This is where deep green, healthy-looking grass is surrounded by an outer ring of dead grass and is the result of the soil being starved of essential nutrients

  2. These are visible dark circles of healthy-looking grass that upset the look of a lawn

  3. Whilst it doesn’t have any noticeable effect on the grass itself, mushrooms and fungi grow on the surface in a patchy ring-like form and usually appear around autumn



The development of most diseases is usually dependent on weather conditions, however adopting regular cultural methods such as scarification (to minimise thatch layer) or aeration (to maintain air flow) can help minimise this risk.


A Supalawns’ disease management plan will also ensure your lawn receives the right amount of fungicide treatment to reduce disease activity and keep your lawn looking healthy all year round.

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